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Monday, August 6, 2012

Exciting trip!

Yes I am back. I've actually been back for a little under two weeks but have been feeling a little lazy recently. So in case you haven't figured out where I went (which I really hope that you did), I was in Berlin. It's a beautiful city created for my Dad and me, the city of bicycles and dogs- or rather hunds. So here is a small account of the first day with a few pictures and of course, the outfit.

arrived around 11 am. We just puttered about near the hotel because we couldn't check in until 3. Had currywurst, turns out its just sausage smothered in ketchup with RAW curry powder and ate a delicious crepe with Camembert and wild berry preserve. After a "nappy" (nap, one of Dad's words) (requested by Daddy) we went for dinner at a Thai restaurant with lots of Asians and a big furry white hunde. It was there that I discovered I am officially allergic to shrimp. Luckily Mum had allergy tablets. Then we went home to hawk-choooo (sleep, another one of Dad's words).


Dad and his "worm's eye view"

I will NEVER understand modern art!

Meet my new best friend, the Berlin Bear

The thinker
Daytime and travel outfit
T-shirt: Nautica
Skirt: Lands' End
Socks: Little MissMatched (similar, sorta)
Cardigan: Ralph Lauren
Scarf/wrap: Cheap Indian Fair find
Knee band: BLECH!

Dinner outfit
Dress:Roxy (similar)
Pink gingham Tsunami Knazashi

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