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Monday, April 11, 2011

Now that you've learnt about me, it's time to learn about Meggyums!

She's just as... unique as me!

School Time

Good morning!
It's time to learn more about me, Mimmyums.
Get ready for school!

I hope you get to know how...um... unique, I am!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

just a little tip

I just thought of this and thought I'd share it with you.

If you want colourful tights but don't want to buy every single colour, why don't you try a nice deep eggplant?

I can't think of any colour purple DOESN'T go with. They're colourful yet neutral, and they sure look nicer than plain old black!

Comment on this blog if you think of a colour eggplant doesn't go with.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Very important style tips

DON'T ever sacrifice comfort for style,you'll just end up hurting yourself.
That being said, DON'T forget about style and go all for comfort, all comfort may feel glam, but a lot of the time it doesn't look very glam.
Do try your very best to marry the two. Result: Peace to the world! (Not really but there's always a good result.)

Don't ever forget that style isn't always expensive; sale racks and hand-me-downs are fine,once YOU like them.

And don't ever ever forget that beauty on the outside isn't nearly as precious as beauty on the inside!

I'm all yours

SEA is done.
I'm all yours now.
So check back at least once a week.
And don't forget to spread the fashion!