this post contains: ranting on school
- my school uniform is the worst uniform in the world!
- its ugly: a maroon pinafore with a sweet-heart neckline (waste of a gorgeous neckline) with 1-inch pleats from the waist until 3 inches below the knee with a horrible polyester peter pan collar shirt with sleeves so big they look like wings
- it's hot: did you read what I just wrote?!
- it's heavy: that pinafore material is thick!
- I did a very nice solar system with wire and Styrofoam and she gave me 35 out of 40. Some girl used beans and dhal on cardboard and got 38 out of 40. Plus the grown woman didn't understand the concept of each planet has a number, you look on the card and find the number to match it, the name will be next to it, so simple! I had to explain it twice and though she didn't say it, I don't think she understood.
- In one girl's case, a boy on the bus stepped on hers and mashed it up, so when she got to school she threw it away, the teacher gave her zero!
- We had to take the continents and put it together to make Pangaea. I had a very heart felt story to tell her, and when I went to tell her she didn't listen, just write 0 next to my name
- Another girl for the Pangaea drew hers and the shchupid (a dialect word in my country meaning stupid) woman gave her zero!
comment if you want to hear my very heart felt story