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Sunday, February 24, 2013

how to wear leggings (under shorts, dresses and skirts) 2013 edition

Leggings, how can such a simple article of clothing be so difficult to style? However so, it is, so I'm going to break it down for you the way I like to style leggings.

I want to start off by saying that whatever you wear leggings with, you butt MUST be covered so that we see no panty lines.

I like capri leggings with tunics and short dresses.
If you ask me, you can wear ankle leggings with anything, dresses, skirts, tunics, I love it.

Shorts will be shorts and I really only like shorts on its own, or if its cold and you really miss your shorts, with tights. I suppose you could get away with leggings if you tucked them into boots.

Denim leggings are a touchy subject. Some say you can wear them like normal jeans, some say you can't. I am victim to wearing mine with a top that didn't cover your butt, but in my defense it was colder than expected and it was denim so it's thick.
Denim leggings could be worn with an ordinary top but the top should be loose fitting and longer than an average top (about mid-butt and long enough that it covers your hips when you raise your arms).
Denim leggings are skin tight so a tight top with it is a no-no unless you are going to work out. (Who works out in denim?)
That being said they look best with a tunic.

I think if you own one pair of leggings it should be a pair of denim leggings as they are the most versatile. They can be work like jeans with a long loose top, with a flowy tunic and can even pass as extra warm leggings under a dress.
Denim leggings are fairly inexpensive and can be picked up almost anywhere. I got my black pair at Macy's for between $20-$30.

I hope this post helped clear up the styling of leggings

(P.S. Jeggings (jean-leggings) and denim leggings are the same thing. I just really hate that word)

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